Captain Beardless and the Very Cheeky Penguin is a children’s novel recommended for kids aged 7 and up, filled with the wildest adventures. The text combines a simple narrative with lots of dialogue and comic book speech bubbles, accompanied by fantastic, full-color illustrations.
Captain Beardless, a well-traveled sea dog, returns from his latest voyage with a few souvenirs: a small statue from an African tribe, spices from India, a Chinese hat, and… a penguin from Antarctica! But it turns out that the rascal penguin only wants to cause trouble and mess up all the navigation charts every night. What a cheek!
What can the captain do to solve this big mess?
With an English-Penguin alphabet at the end of the book to learn how to speak Penguin!
Additional information
Características | Autor: Txús Quelcom |
Idioma | Castellano, Catalán, Inglés |